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CQ World Wide Dx Contest 2013

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Bienvenidos a mi blog.

Mi nombre es Luis, radioaficionado desde al año 1984.

Miembro del grupo ED1WWE ( 1987 - 1990 ).

Fundador del grupo EA1FCR DX TEAM.

Participando en el CQ WOLD WIDE DX CONTEST, con los siguientes indicativos. EA1FCR - AM1T ( hasta el año 2010 ).

Por motivos de normativa, apartir de este año ( 2011 ) el indicativo a utilizar es ED1WW.

Agradecer desde aqui la colaboración y la paciencia de todos los miembros del grupo.

EA1CMF: Jesús - EA1FAD: Dani - EB1CHL: Mon - EB1DPB: José - Y como no a Javier y a mi hijo David.

Claro esta y a la paciencia de nuestras respectivas esposas, por la paciencia que tienen por aguantar a esta panda de FRIKIS

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martes, 17 de enero de 2012

WINMOR – A New HF Digital Protocol for Winlink 2000

AX25 Packet Radio by Sound Card

WINMOR stands for WINlink Message Over Radio and is a new HF radio transmission protocol by Rick Muething, KN6KB, of the Winlink Development Team. WINMOR was introduced at the 2008 ARRL / TAPR Digital Communications Conference in Chicago on September 26-28, 2008, and released from beta testing to production versions in 2010. Unlike PACTOR, only a simple computer soundcard-to-radio interface is required, and it runs as a “virtual TNC” (the WINMOR TNC application) together with host software. The protocol (not the software) is fully documented and is without restrictions or license issues which might prevent anyone from implementing the protocol in other software. The WINMOR TNC software is also fully documented as an API for developers. The software TNC can freely distributed when paired with a developer’s own host application software.


Users may employ either WINMOR or Pactor to transfer mail in the WL2K system, depending on their equipment. While WINMOR may not equal P2 and P3 in total performance, it provides a cost-effective means of using the system, and is more robust and faster than P1, and faster than P2 in favorable conditions. WINMOR is attractive to anyone who has trouble justifying the high cost and low utilization of a P2 and P3 modem. Cruisers, who daily use radio email for long-distance lifeline communications at sea, can usually justify the P3 modem purchase. EmComm agencies who fund equipment purchases usually are smart to opt for P3 modems for reliability and ease of use under the stress of emergency operations. Successful WINMOR soundcard operating requires skill in making multiple adjustments, and knowledge of the computer’s operating system, which often do not lend themselves to success under the pressure of an emergency situation.

RMS Express with WINMOR for Users

See the User Software page for more information and to download the RMS Express client software, which includes the virtual WINMOR TNC software, and additionally supports Pactor 1-3, AX.25 packet and Telnet protocols using a wide variety of TNCs and multimode controllers.

WINMOR TNC Software for Developers

WINMOR TNC is a Windows “helper application” that creates a virtual WINMOR HF MODEM (TNC) using a standard PC sound card. It is intended to be used by developers who create complete end user Client or Server host applications. Example of such programs are RMS Express (Radio client) and RMS WINMOR (Radio Server).
The WINMOR TNC software license is provided in the help files of the downloaded program, and is not in the public domain. Please see these files for details.
Use this link: Download WINMOR TNC
Documentation Link

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