PSK2K – a new meteorscatter mode by DJ5HG
2012/01/13 By
PSK2k is high speed meteor scatter software written by Klaus DJ5HG (Prof. of Computer Science at University Hamburg). It allows 2 way MS QSO’s to be conducted with any suitable transceiver/PC/soundcard combination.
PSK2k is fully error correcting and call specific in operation so you will only see the QSO in progress and any non-QSO CQ or QST text. All other transmissions (other people also in QSO) are discarded. This allows multiple QSO’s to take place on a single frequency.
PSK2k can be operated in fully automatic mode if required. This enables QSO’s to be completed fully automatically without user intervention. Important advantages are that long term testing can be done, on QRP power for instance, without having to sit an monitor every period.
Note: this software can run in automatic operation means no active OP next to TRX ! In automatic operation all stations will be answered who call you. Also a special contest mode is there with exchange of serial number, full locator, QTF, transmitted power, antenna gain.
My advice to install the software proper:
- Download (190 MB), Download Latest Version of Program, Download
- install MCRInstaller The Matlab Compiler Runtime
- execute the MCR_Test tool and look what directory is installed (you will see it by test tool)
- in that directory copy the complete folder PSK2K
- execute the PSK2K.exe – if you want make short to your desktop
- please note: that software is still in development process
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